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The Library Story Password v0.97

The Library Story Password v0.97

The Library Story Password v0.97 – The patrons password or code to receive the starting bonus, updated list with the last passwords

Main Game:Â

The Library Story [v0.97.5.73 SE] (Ongoing)

The Library Story Password – Current Password

These are the valid Passwords, use them for a starting bonus:

  • time to read
  • second forest book

We are not sure which of the two is the last password, but both work in the latest version of the game

Old Passwords

If you are using an old version of the game, the previous passwords or codes may not work for you, so here are the old passwords:

  • unreadbestseller
  • cloud library
  • home reading
  • new hot book

The Library Story Password – How it works

Just launch the game, and before you start playing, under the Start Game button, you will see the Password button in the main menu. Press it, type the code and press enter. If it works, the benefits will be applied automatically.


The system of passwords for patrons has been reworked (content opened with current passwords will not be closed after updating passwords for new versions)

The Library Story Password – Cheats

Currently the command console has stopped working. Although if you want to try, in case future updates activate it again, the console opens with Shift + o, if it doesn’t work for you, it’s because it’s still deactivated

If you manage to open it, these are the console commands that are available:

store.Gaston.hunting = 200
store.Gaston.knowledge = 200
store.Belle.s*x = 200 (* = e)
store.Belle.exz = 100
store.Belle.corruption = 200
Gaston.inventory.gold = 9999
store.Gaston.hp = 5000
store.Belle.dominance = -45
store.Belle.ga_relations = 200
store.Belle.to_relations = 200

Of course you can try to use other values ​​for the console commands to get other results, and it is very likely that if you re-enable the cheats and the console, new commands will be introduced.